What is coaching?


Coaching is not therapy. Therapy is focused on the past. Coaching is about moving forward. The relationship between myself as the coach and the client is organic. There is no script. There are tools which we can utilize as guides. We all come from different places, and from those sources come beliefs and ideas that may have framed who we were as adolescents, but we have to ask ourselves, how do they serve us in our lives today? We all have that voice, a sometimes critical voice, which gives us very mixed and limited messages and beliefs about ourselves and our ability to focus in on our aptitudes, abilities, and strengths. In the coaching session, we will have a dialogue with that voice and reframe the conversation. We are a team, and as a team we will collaborate and brainstorm. Together we will uncover, discover, and discard those old ideas and beliefs that limit you from realizing your true potential. I will ask you questions to empower you to think outside of the box and to take risks.  I truly believe that we all have our own answers. You will answer questions about yourself for yourself. Imagine a safe environment where the focus is on you. We live in an age of endless possibility.  Why not you?  What if you could create opportunities that you have only dreamed about?  The work that we will do is based on core energy and is very powerful. It is an inside job. It is a process. And it is a journey.

Here are some examples of empowering questions:

What can I learn from this experience?

If you woke up tomorrow and a miracle had happened, how would your life be different? What specifically would you be seeing, hearing and feeling?

What resources do you have to accomplish that outcome?

What do I need to do to get what I want?

If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do?

What will achieving your goal enable you to do?

How else can I use what I’m learning now?

Some of the areas we will focus on:

  • Personal Development
  • Spiritual Awareness
  • Fun & Enjoyment
  • Intimate and Social Relationships
  • Health/Aging
  • Personal Finance
  • Career/Profession
  • Family/Parenting
  • Addiction

” Climb high

Climb far

Your goal the sky

Your aim, the star”
